
February 13, 2022
Bouncing Back – 2022 edition

Life is now more disruptive by nature. Devoting time to enriching pursuits such as yoga can be challenging. So how can you adapt to boost life quality and enjoyment?  The...

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August 5, 2021
Yoga in a Pandemic

The isolating effects of a Covid-19 triggered lockdown can be unwelcomed for some. Lockdowns have several psychosocial implications affecting the general health and mental health of the greater population. The...

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June 21, 2021
Infra red heat

So you love yoga, but are wondering: “Why the heat?”  and maybe “why the infra red?” With the heat turned up, hot yoga has the ability to give your heart,...

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June 2, 2021
Nasal Breathing

From the moment you are born, you breathe through your nose unless you are crying. That’s the way humans are designed to breathe – through the nose unless there are...

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